Privacy Policy

Effective Date: August 31, 2022

Your privacy is important to BlackDiamond Enterprise. This Privacy Policy explains what and how we collect, share, and protect your personal information when you visit or use this and other online services offered by BlackDiamond Enterprise. Contact details are provided below, and other principles or policies may apply depending on how you interact with us, the financial products or services you may ultimately obtain from us, or the jurisdiction in which we are doing business with you.

  1. This Privacy Policy
    All information described in this privacy policy is processed by BlackDiamond Enterprise LLC, hereafter referred to as “BlackDiamond Enterprise,” as the data controller. This privacy policy outlines our practices concerning the use, storage, and disclosure of personal information we collect from or about you when you interact with us in the course of our provision of business services, auxiliary services, or other services provided by us or others acting on our behalf, including when you use our website This privacy policy also describes our processing of personal data of individuals representing our business clients and suppliers.
    BlackDiamond Enterprise reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. We will post any changes on our website. This privacy policy is not a contract and does not create any contractual rights or obligations.
  2. How to Contact Us
    BlackDiamond Enterprise LLC has a team responsible for developing privacy policies dedicated to protecting your rights. If you have any questions or comments regarding this privacy policy or any complaint about our adherence to it, please contact us at [email protected]. We comply with applicable notification requirements and obligations to inform supervisory authorities or individuals regarding violations of this privacy policy as required by law. The content and deadlines applicable to these remedies are described in the relevant laws.
  3. How Does BlackDiamond Enterprise LLC Collect and Receive Your Information?
    We may collect and receive information from you, including when you:
  • Use or access our websites, such as when completing various web forms to access information or services.
  • Register, create, or modify an online account with us, a promotional partner account, or any account to use our corporate online tools, communicate with us by email, phone, in writing, or through our customer service pages or social media.
  • Interact through cookies and other tracking technologies on our website, or are associated with a business with which we do business.

This privacy policy applies to information we receive from other sources, as well as to information we collect from or generate about you. BlackDiamond Enterprise is committed to limiting the information collected to what is necessary for the purpose for which it is gathered.

4. How Does BlackDiamond Enterprise Use Your Data?
As used in this privacy policy, “consent” means any clear affirmative statement or action whereby you agree to the processing of personal data for a specific purpose. Please note that when you have given us consent to process your information, you may withdraw it at any time.

We may also use your personal information when necessary to comply with a reasonable request from a regulatory or law enforcement authority or in defense of legal claims.

We may also use your personal information when obtaining legal or other professional advice, including for audits. We consider this to be in our legitimate interest in managing our business.

In some circumstances, we need your information to perform a contract with you to provide products and services, such as payment details and, occasionally, credit verification information. If you do not provide this information, we may not be able to enter into or execute the contract or provide the products and services.

We may collect or receive special or sensitive categories of personal information, such as health-related data, disabilities, race, ethnicity, political opinions, or religion, where permitted by applicable law. By providing any personal information, you agree that you have given us your consent to collect, store, use, and transfer this personal information for the purposes for which it was provided and in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy.

5. Data Storage
We store your information for the legally required period or the time necessary to support the business purpose. In general, this storage will last at least as long as our relationship.

6. How Does BlackDiamond Enterprise Use Cookies, Tags, and Similar Technologies?
BlackDiamond Enterprise uses cookies, tags, and other similar technologies. For simplicity, we refer to all these technologies as “cookies.” These technologies allow us to recognize your preferences, track your purchases, and facilitate effective website management. We use the information we collect to improve your visit to the website and provide information tailored to your needs

7. With Whom Does BlackDiamond Enterprise Share Your Information?
We do not sell your name or other personal information to third parties, nor do we intend to do so in the future.
We may disclose the information we collect to:

  • Third parties to process your information on our behalf or to assist us in providing our services and/or products.
  • You or those acting on your behalf. Where local regulation exists, we may obtain your written consent to allow another person to act on your behalf.
  • Banks, financial firms, and payment services to process payments and refunds.
  • Government agencies, law enforcement officials, courts of justice, or third parties: if we believe that the applicable law, regulation, or legal process requires disclosure or to protect and defend our rights or the rights, health, or safety of third parties, including to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims or in the public interest of health and safety.
  • Individuals with whom we are discussing the sale of any part of our business or to whom we sell any part of our business.

Social Media and Messaging Platforms:
You may wish to share information with BlackDiamond Enterprise through third-party social media and messaging platforms. To use social media and message-sharing features, you will be asked to grant permission within third-party platforms as desired. If you choose to contact or interact with us on a third-party messaging platform or social media, you understand that you are responsible for reviewing and understanding the applicable terms and conditions, information security practices, and privacy policy of the third-party platform, and that BlackDiamond Enterprise is not responsible for how third-party social media and messaging platforms use, share, or protect your information. Activity on third-party social media messaging platforms and the data processed, stored, and provided therein, including data related to interactions with BlackDiamond Enterprise, are governed by the terms and conditions, information security practices, and privacy policy of third-party platforms.

8. How to Correct or Update Your Information?
If you believe that any information we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, or if you wish to change your marketing preferences, you can email or call us at [email protected] or +1 917 484 6396.

We will make every reasonable effort to review any incorrect information, or update or change your information or preferences as required by applicable law.

9. Links
Our website contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of those sites, and BlackDiamond Enterprise’s privacy policy does not apply to information collected from you by those sites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of each site that collects information about you. When you leave our website via a link to interact with a site that is not governed by this privacy policy, a new browser window will open.

10. Information Security
We have established appropriate physical and electronic security measures to protect the information we collect under this privacy policy. These safeguards are regularly reviewed to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, and misuse of your data. We comply with data breach notification requirements and incident reporting obligations to supervisory authorities and/or affected individuals as required by applicable laws. The applicable content and deadlines for these remedies are described in relevant laws.

11. Data Transfers
BlackDiamond Enterprise is headquartered in Miami, Florida, USA, and we may transfer personal information in compliance with applicable law to the USA and other jurisdictions where BlackDiamond Enterprise provides services.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the information in this online privacy policy, or any other issues related to BlackDiamond Enterprise’s processing of your personal information under this policy, please contact:

40 SW 13th Street –
Miami, Florida 33130
Phone: +1 917 484 6396
Email: [email protected]